CZ P07 vs P10C
Despite being made by the same company there are many differences when comparing the CZ P07 vs P10C.
CZ is a famous manufacturer most known for its CZ 75 series of handguns. In the 2000s, they introduced the CZ P07, and then in 2017, introduced the CZ P10C. Both the P-07 and the P10C are polymer-framed handguns, making them quite different from the normal, metal-frame handguns CZ is known for.

We’re going to compare the CZ P07 vs CZ P10C and see how they stack up as concealed carry and general-use handguns.
Both handguns hold 15 rounds and are approximately the same size. The key difference between the two is the hammer-fired system on the CZ P07 vs P10C, which uses a striker-fired ignition system.
Table of contents
Metrics | CZ P-07 | CZ P-10 C |
Weight w/ no mag (Oz) | 25.2 | 22.9 |
Weight w/ empty mag (Oz) | 28.1 | 25.8 |
Weight w/ full mag (Oz) | 34.6 | 32.3 |
Height (top of slide to bottom of magazine baseplate) (Inches) | 4.9 | 5.03 |
Length (Inches) | 7.25 | 7.15 |
Width of Grip (Inches) | 1.16 | 1.23 |
Width of Slide (Inches) | 1.06 | 1.02 |
Width across controls (Inches) | 1.46 | 1.23 |
CZ P-07 vs P-10 C Concealed Carry

Right off the bat, you’ll see that the CZ P07 is a little bit heavier than the CZ P10C by two ounces. There isn’t an advantage in that. While the CZ P07 can accept a 16-round mag made just for the gun, most of the guns ship with 15-round magazines.
CZ P07
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Both guns are able to use the CZ P10C magazines. CZ has cutouts for both guns. One thing to take into account is that P07-specific mags will not fit in the CZ P10C. They do not have the proper cut-out for that style of mag release.
Grip Length
Despite holding an extra round, the CZ P07 is actually an eighth of an inch shorter in the grip.

The overall height from the top of the slide to the base of the grip is going to be your most important dimension for concealment. When it comes to concealing the handgun the CZ P07 wins out in this area.
Depending on your body type, it may not make a difference either way. But if this is the max-sized gun that you can conceal then you will see a major difference between the CZ P07 and the CZ P10C. Your build and the type of clothing you wear may make this a non-issue. But again, if this is the largest handgun you can carry concealed, it will play a larger role.
The CZ P10C grip is also just a hair wider at nearly one-tenth of an inch. That does play a role in concealment. But again, depending on your clothing, you may not even notice it. I have to give the slight edge in this category to the CZ P07, since the only thing I can knock the gun on is that it’s quite heavy for its size.
CZ P10c
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At 25 ounces unloaded or 34.6 ounces loaded with 15 rounds in the magazine, the P07 is two ounces-plus heavier than the CZ P10C. They’re around the same weight as most of its competitors (if not a tad heavier than something like the Glock 19).
At the end of the day, we’re nitpicking by comparing the CZ P07 vs CZ P10C as far as concealment. But for many of you, this will be relevant information.
CZ P07 vs P10C Ergonomics

Now, the CZ P10C is directly based on the CZ 75 series when it comes to ergonomics. Whereas CZ took a different approach on the P07. The CZ P-07 grip is not as good as the CZ P-10 C. Its frame is much blockier and just doesn’t feel as comfortable in the hand.
Compared to the CZ P-10 C, which is very well-rounded and allows your hand to instinctively get a higher grip on the gun. You have to try slightly harder with the CZ P07.
The biggest difference between the two grips is texturing. The texturing on the CZ P10C is absolutely fantastic.
It’s very aggressive when you squeeze down on it, but it’s not aggressive when you’re just carrying the gun. There isn’t that much texturing on the sides of the grip, but the front and rear straps are incredibly aggressive. This is perfect on a concealed carry gun.
There is texturing on the CZ P07, but it is slow and slick like it’s almost not there. If you like an aggressively-textured gun, the CZ P07 is not going to be for you.

As far as the slide goes, the CZ P10C is going to have a slight advantage over the CZ P07. In my opinion, the CZ P07 has better serrations than the CZ P10C.
CZ P07
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Now, you saw me say earlier that when comparing the CZ P07 vs P10 C, the P10’s slide is better. The reason for that is the slide itself is just a little bit taller. This is because it does not use the normal CZ internal frame rails the CZ P07 does.
This gives you a more real state to grab the slide on the P10 C, making it easier to manipulate.
CZ P07 vs P10C Sights

Both of these guns come from the factory with a couple of different sight options. The CZ P07 comes with either regular three-dot sights or three-dot night sights, usually only on the suppressor height variance.
In the US, you can get the CZ P10C with a variety of sight offerings from three-dot sights just like the CZ P07 to a bright orange-front night sight with a nice rear that is all blocked out with a square notch.
Depending on the sights you get, I’m going to have to give the advantage to the CZ P10C here. It might be a tie depending on the variant you get, but there are more sight options from the factory for the CZ P10C that are better than those for the CZ P07.
Now, when it comes to the aftermarket, there’s no doubt that the CZ P10C just has more (and better) options compared to the P07.
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You do have options from Night Vision, CZ Custom Shop, Dawson Precision, and TruGlo, but that’s really all that’s out there. For the CZ P10C, you have all those plus offerings from Trijicon and a couple of other companies. That right there gives the win to the CZ P10C.
CZ P10c
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When it comes to controls, the CZ P07 has a lot more options.
The CZ P07 uses the Omega trigger system that allows you to run either a decocker or safety, meaning you can run the trigger cocked and locked on single-action only or you can run it in double-action using the decocker. (Potentially, you could manually decock the hammer and then also run the gun with the safety on.) You really have a lot of options for how you want to carry the P07.
The CZ P10C only has an external trigger safety that is just meant to keep the gun drop safe. You won’t have an external safety to worry about, which makes the firearm much more simple.
CZ P07 vs P10c Trigger
The trigger is going to come down to your opinion on what type of trigger you would like your firearm to have. The CZ P07 is a hammer-fired double- or single-action firearm, while the CZ P10C is a striker-fired pistol with the advantage of the pull being identical every time.
P07 Trigger
Just to give you the characteristics of the CZ P07: in double-action, it has a light but springy double-action pull. The flatter trigger shoe itself is a nice touch with the Omega trigger system, but the double-action is nothing to brag about.
CZ P07
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On the other hand, the single-action trigger is actually really nice. It does have a long reset, but the trigger itself is very light and has a nice rolling break.
P10c Trigger
Comparatively, the P10C’s striker-fired trigger has a very short reset with more of a wall.
You could argue that the CZ P07 trigger in single-action is slightly nicer than the CZ P10C’s, but at the end of the day, it’s going to come down to personal preference. I myself am a striker-fired trigger person and in a double-action/single-action trigger situation, I’m pickier about the double-action trigger, which isn’t that great on the CZ P07.
CZ P10c
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I will say that you can get aftermarket trigger spring sears and all kinds of trigger parts that’ll improve the trigger pull on the CZ P07, but the Omega system doesn’t take that well to those parts.
It won’t improve it as much as it would on the normal CZ 75 series of triggers.
You can also get new trigger shoes and trigger parts for the CZ P10C, so there are aftermarket options for both.
Slide Lock
The slide lock for the CZ P07 is on the left side of the gun only, meaning it’s set up for a right-handed shooter and is not going to work well for a lefty.
If you’d like to use your primary hand thumb to drop the slide lock, then you’re going to have a hard time doing it with the CZ P07 unless you have absolutely massive hands.
You can do it by breaking your grip significantly, but it’s going to be easier to use your support hand’s thumb to drop the slide after you’ve inserted a fresh magazine. The CZ P10C has ambidextrous slide stops, and it’s not hard to reach with your primary hand thumb.
Now, this is where the CZ P07 is going to get a surprising win: due to how CZ designed this P10C slide stop where it indexes off the center of the slide, it’s very hard to drop the slide using the right- or left-side slide release. It’s not exactly a win for the CZ P10C, but only just because it’s so hard to drop the slide using that and the sharp edges on the top of the slide stop don’t make it any better.
CZ P07
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The CZ P07 can drop the slide very easily.
In fact, I might suggest most people use the slide itself to drop the slide vs. using the slide stop on the CZ P10C whereas I would have no reservations telling somebody to use the CZ P07 slide stop to drop the slide.
It’s a clear win for the CZ P07 vs the P10C.
CZ P07 vs P10C Magazine Release

On the CZ P10C, you’re going to have two different mag release options depending on the firearm you choose.
The CZ manufactured firearms that are manufactured in the Czech Republic have an ambidextrous magazine release that is not the easiest to use. It’s very stiff and operates much like the slide lock, but then it’s still just hard to use and press for most shooters.
I’ve heard rumors of them breaking in overtime, but my gun hasn’t seen that much luck. The US-manufactured variants of the CZ P10 C have a reversible magazine release that is really easy to use and I have zero issues with it. It’s pretty much identical to the CZ P07’s magazine release and both can be reversed to the other side of the gun, making them very easy to use.
CZ P10c
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If you have a Czech-manufactured CZ P10 C, I would have to give the overall win to the CZ P07, but I’ll call it a tie on the general magazine release for the CZ P07 vs. the CZ P10C.

The quality of these two firearms is pretty much identical with the slide being slightly better on the CZ P07. Although the materials seem to be made the same, the serration is better on the CZ P07 as well, giving the slide a higher-quality feeling. The frame, however, is slightly better on the CZ P10C due to its texture. The quality of the polymers themselves feels about the same. I can’t give an edge here.
Quality-wise, these firearms are both CZ and polymer-framed, so there isn’t really much of a difference.
CZ P09 vs Glock 17 Aftermarket
As far as aftermarket parts goes, there is no doubt the CZ P10C wins. It doesn’t win by a huge margin, but there is a lot more aftermarket support, especially when it comes to trigger shoes and parts as well as sights, extended magazine releases, and slide stops.
You’re not going to find that level of aftermarket parts for the CZ P07. When we compare the CZ P10C vs. the P07 in that way, the CZ P10 C is the definite winner for aftermarket support.

Aesthetics are going to have to go to the CZ P07. It has a fantastic-looking slide and is proportioned really well. The CZ P10C’s grip is just a little large for the nose of the firearm itself and its own proportion seems a little out of whack while the CZ P07 has excellent proportions and lots of little details on the frame and slide that really compliment each other.
At the end of the day this is up to personal preference, but I don’t think it’s hard to make a case that the CZ P07 is a little more proportional than the P10C, and proportion does equal beauty in most cases.
Shooting the CZ P10C is a dream — the gun tracks incredibly well and the grip and trigger just all seem to flow together. The way the grip itself is designed, it forces your hand high into it and allows you to get maximum control of the fire even if you’re a newer shooter who doesn’t have complete control of the fundamentals. It’s a really great gun for newer shooters to shoot.
CZ P07
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The trigger itself has a very short reset and works well for really getting fast shots on target while the gun tracks incredibly flat. It’s just easy to shoot the gun. I can’t say how much I appreciate the way the CZ P10C shoots.
Now, talking about the CZ P07, the gun tracks well but has a little more muzzle flip than the CZ P10 C. It has a slightly-higher bore axis, and the slippery frame makes the gun less than ideal on the range.
If you were to get aftermarket stippling, I think that would go a long way with the CZ P07. The P07 is still a very shootable gun, but I think the CZ P10C is just a little easier to shoot for most people.
CZ P07 vs P10C Price/Value
Both of these guns have an MSRP of right around $500, and MSRP and street price on these guns are incredibly close — within the cost of a good lunch. If you’re planning to mount an optic to the pistol, then the optics-ready CZ P10C is clearly the better value.
You do get a little more value with the CZ P07 just because it has a hammer-fired system. For some reason, I feel like a hammer-fired system is more complicated and therefore should be more expensive than the CZ P10C.
CZ P10c
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Now it’s not more expensive, but the value of these guns seem to be equal overall.
I do think the texturing on the CZ P10 C is its biggest asset, but I’m not sure if people would notice that right away when looking at it on the gun store counter.
Personally, I would take the CZ P10C over the P07, but I still feel like the CZ P07 is a better value.
CZ P07 vs P10C Accessories
Of course, I’m also not taking sights into account and you can spend $50-60 more on the CZ P10C and it’ll come from the factory with an awesome set of sights that you’re going to have a hard time justifying replacing.
If you’re using a CZ P07 for anything serious, you’re definitely going to want to replace the sights. Running iron sights, you’re not going to see a difference between the two guns when it comes to value. Which is the better gun for you really comes down to which trigger system you prefer.
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CZ P-07 Pros
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P-07 Cons
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CZ P-10 C Pros
- Texturing
- Ergonomics
- Sights
P-10 C Cons
- Size
- Capacity
Comments are closed.
I will prefer glock 17. Been using that for years now and feels more better than when using other guns like beretta or glock 19
What a good review and comparison. I completely agree that a stock P07 needs stippled. As a user of DA/SA handguns for over 40 years I just don’t trust myself with the new “safety triggers.” My P07 is a CZ Custom Shop which addresses most issues mentioned except the grip being slippery. Thanks for the great article!
I got my P07 after shutting many others and I like it so much better than the Glocks. Tried the P 10 recently and liked it but I am used to mine and have better results with it in combat training. Very good comparison though. Thanks.