Beretta LTT Review
If you’re reading this Beretta LTT Review, you’re likely aware of some of the Beretta M9 or 92 series of handguns history.

This family of handguns has been offered in a variety of configurations. Beretta has switched out the frame design, the slide design, and multiple small parts.
For years, Beretta enthusiasts joked that you had to mix and match parts from multiple 92 series guns to get the perfect Beretta 92 series firearm.
Not all these guns are in constant production. So finding the parts or guns as donors weren’t easy.
It was also quite an expensive proposition.
This is where Ernest Langdon enters the picture. Ernest Langdon is a former Marine Scout Sniper that ironically is most well-known for his work with handguns.
He is a competition shooter and what many would consider an OG.
Since the beginning, he’s been in shooting sports, achieving Grand Master in pistol shooting, winning many competitions while shooting the Beretta series of firearms.
Beretta LTT
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He is also the owner of Langdon Tactical, a company known for their custom work on Beretta’s and their modified parts kits, including the Trigger in a Bag.
There are very few people in the world that know the Beretta better than Langdon, if there are any at all. Ernest Langdon has an excellent relationship with Beretta, as well as an understanding of the US market.
Beretta is a European company.
The oldest firearms manufacturers in the world.
While they make great guns, there is a cultural difference, and they don’t understand the US gun market as well as Ernest Langdon, does.
The 92 series of pistols has had mixed success on the US market.
US Market
It was a common gun for a while, but the introduction of commercially successful Striker Fired handguns caused the popularity of the Beretta to decline.
That is until Ernest Langdon.
Beretta and Langdon partnered together to build what Langdon considered the ultimate Beretta.
It was a Brigadier slide with an M9A1 frame known as the Beretta Elite LTT.
The introduction of this gun breathed new life onto the Beretta platform in the US. It placed a ton of attention on all Beretta hammer-fired handgun products and breathed new life into the USA marketing.
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The LTT was sold both through distribution and through Langdon Tactical.
You could buy the gun through Langdon Tactical with his upgraded trigger options.
We’re going to do a Beretta LTT review today on one of the guns purchased through distribution.
This gun does not have the upgrades Langdon Tactical offers on their site.
Table of contents
Role-based off size
The Beretta LTT is a massive gun.
Being a large gun, it might be somewhat limited use for some users, but it’s a very versatile firearm in reality.
This gun could be used for competition, planking at the range or duty carry.
You can even use it for concealed carry if you don’t mind carrying a larger firearm. But, as stated earlier, this is a massive gun.
So if you’re carrying it for concealed carry, you’re going to want to make sure you have an excellent holster set up or that you’re wearing clothing that will appropriately conceal the Beretta LTT.
Features Beretta LTT Review
The Beretta 92 is traditionally a 15 round 9mm. That said, magazine technology has been enhanced over the years, and you can now fit 18 rounds into this gun with a flush-fit magazine.
There are a variety of extended magazines that will hold increased capacity.
You can get up to 30 rounds in the Beretta with a factory magazine. The great thing about the Beretta series is you don’t have to buy Beretta branded mags.
Beretta LTT
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Mec-Gar, one of the most well-known and great magazine manufacturers globally, is the OEM for Beretta magazines, and they sell multiple variations of the magazines direct.
Beretta magazines tend to be affordable on the 92 series. So that’s a big pro for this gun.
A popular choice in USPSA production, the Beretta LTT doesn’t have a nice sizeable beveled magwell as you would hope.

In production, you’re limited to a 10 round capacity, so having the ability to reload quickly is very important.
There is a slight angle on the bottom of the LTT magwell, but it’s not much of one.
It’s not the quickest gun to reload.
It’s not as quick to reload as something like a Gen5 Glock that has a massively flared magwell built into the frame.
This gun is a more traditional-style pistol. It does not have removable back straps or anything like this.

The frame itself is old-school Beretta.
This firearm does have a nice little beavertail.

This beavertail allows you to get your grip nice and high on the frame. It’s very ergonomic, and there’s no discomfort from this gun.
If you had smaller hands, I could see how it could be an issue.
For hands of my size, it’s a very comfortable gun to grip high and get a good, solid grip on.
Beretta LTT Review Texturing
It does have removable grip stocks or panels on the sides. You can switch these out for different levels of aggressiveness.
It’s a nice feature to have, but the grips that come on the gun are pretty good, in my opinion.
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They’re G10, and they’re branded Langdon Tactical. They’re aggressive enough to provide you a good grip on the firearm but not so aggressive that they could cause issues when carrying.

That said, there are a variety of aftermarket providers, such as lock grips and VZ grips, that make grips for the Beretta.
You could also get wood grips, mock ivory grips, or almost anything you can imagine. As a result, there are almost as many grip options for the Beretta as there are for the 1911.
The front strap and backstrap of the Beretta are both textured.
The front strap has vertical lines, with some horizontal lines cut in a portion of the gun. Most of the Beretta’s only have the vertical line, so this is an upgrade over those guns.

It provides a decent bit of texture on the front, while the back strap is nicely checkered with an aggressive texturing that works well.
You don’t have to worry about this gun moving in your hands between this and the grip panels.
The aluminum frames can be pretty slick if they don’t have proper texturing between the grip panels and the texturing on the front and back strap; you’re good to go.
General feel
Overall, the general feel of the firearm is pretty darn good, but it’s not super, super ergonomic. It’s not a gun like the HK P30, and you just immediately love how it feels in your hands.
That said, you get a good, solid grip on the right areas.
That means this gun is going to be very easy to control.
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I’m often quoted as saying a Glock may not feel the best in hand, but it feels great when it comes to how you can control it. This gun is built very similarly.
It’s more comfortable in hand than a Glock, but it still lacks in the refinements of a gun like an HK P30.
That said, you can get the pressure in all the right places to keep the gun steady and on target.
The Beretta LTT, when it’s ordered through distribution, comes with a fiber optic front sight and a blacked-out rear sight.

These sights are both mounted into the gun using dovetails.
Many Beretta’s had fixed sights, which was a complaint by many people, as they are not very high contrasting, it can be hard to pick up.
These sights would be very easy to switch out.
Beretta LTT
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I found the fiber optic sight on the front to be just a little bit wide for my taste.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a slightly narrower front sight.

That said, it’s a serviceable sight, and it’s worlds above most other production handguns.
Red dot options
Another nice thing about Beretta is that you can mount a Red Dot to it.
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Langdon Tactical has a service where you can either order a slide through them or send your slide to them and have it meld to mount a Red Dot.
For years, Beretta’s were difficult to mount Red Dots to due to the overall system.
Beretta LTT
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That said, Ernest Langdon figured out building an adaptor plate and mounting a dot directly to the gun.
This has made the Beretta LTT a prevalent option for carry optics in USPSA.
Beretta LTT does not have a safety, but it does have a decocker.

It uses Beretta’s G series decocker. Earnest Langdon has his own set of parts designed around this system. And frankly, it’s a very well-thought-out design.
Many Beretta users prefer the G series. Most Beretta’s come with a safety mounted in that position that works as a decocker as well.
The Beretta LTT is deocker only, which is what makes it a G series gun.
This is one of those features that makes it one of the perfect Beretta’s for most people.
Mag release
The magazine release on the Beretta is a pretty standard push-button style magazine release, It has nice texturing on it, and it’s easy to reach.
The magazine release can also be switched around to the other side and set up for a left-handed user. But, again, there’s nothing special about the magazine release.

It’s very well executed, but it doesn’t do anything to stand out from any other design.
Slide stop
The Beretta 92 has a slide stop. Located on the left-hand side of the firearm, set up for a right-handed user.

Unfortunately, there is no ambidextrous option.
This slide stop is straightforward to use with your primary hand thumb or your support hand thumb when you’re going in for a reload.
The slots on the self appear to sit pretty far back, but due to the thick width of the grip, if you have smaller hands, you may not be able to reach it with your primary thumb.
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You’ll have to use your support hand thumb to drop the slide.
Overall Ergonomics
Overall, the ergonomics on the Beretta are pretty darn good.
This is a big gun, and there are some intricacies with that, but if you have larger hands, you’ll like this gun. However, if you have tiny hands, this gun may present some issues.

It’s very wide, and it also has quite a length from the back strap to the front strap.
This makes it very easy to shoot for larger hands but not as easy for people with smaller hands.
Another unique feature about this gun is it has both forward and rear slide serrations.
These serrations are effective, and they work. That said, I would have liked to have seen this design change up a little bit. Their the one feature on this gun that makes it look somewhat cheap.

The serrations themselves appear to be a bit of an afterthought.
As I said, they work, but they don’t work the best. For example, the front serrations work better than the rear. The reason for this is the slide of the Beretta has a reasonably tall profile, and the serrations only cover the bottom half of the slide.
So if you’re racking the slide from the rear, it can be kind of hard to reach those, not to mention the decocker adds quite a barrier for racking the slide.
I like to pinch the slide instead of going overhand like I would on most things.
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Another thing to mention about the Beretta 92 is you have the barrel exposed. So if you’re using the front slide serrations and the gun has gotten very hot, you can more easily burn yourself on the barrel.
Eventually, that heat always transfers to the slide, but it usually takes a little longer to transfer to the slide than it does to the barrel.
So you have a little less time when using the front serrations. However, I would’ve liked to have seen them get a little more imaginative with the front serrations, as it cheapens the overall feel of this gun.
The trigger on this gun is not upgraded in any way. It is a standard, from factory gun.
That said, I am very impressed with this trigger in this Beretta LTT Review.
When you go to pull, you’re going to feel just a slight bit of take-up from the hammer being at the partial decock position. And then you’re going to feel a very smooth and consistent double-action pull as it goes into a rolling brake.

The trigger isn’t a super-light double action, but it’s not very heavy either.
It’s just a good weight and exceptionally smooth for a factory trailer. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity of handling one of the Langdon-tuned double-action triggers, but that said, his trigger is supposed to be superb.
Having friends who have handled those and the factory triggers, they said the Langdon trigger is just next level.
Considering how good this trigger is from the factory, I can only imagine how good a tuned Langdon trigger is.
Now we’re going to talk about the reset after you pulled your first double-action pull.
The reset to single-action is relatively short, and it doesn’t have an authoritative feel or resets, but you can hear the reset, even though you can’t feel it. It’s very short. And then you’re going to have just the slightest bit of tape before you hit a wall.
Beretta LTT
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Once you hit that wall, it’s a very light but plain brake. So it’s not a super definitive single action. It’s not supposed to be.
Langdon does not advocate shooting from a reset.
I completely agree with his reasoning, so I don’t see the reset being hard to feel like an issue.
That said, it’s something I wouldn’t mention, as I know it’s data some consumers like.
The LTT has a pretty decent aftermarket.
Because of the sheer number of Beretta pistols on the market, this gun has a lot of aftermarket parts to choose from.
Is it as good as something like a Glock?
No, but there are a lot of companies out there that make parts for the Beretta series of handguns.
So it’s no problem to get them. The biggest downside for this gun is going to be sighted.
You’re not going to have a lot of aftermarket sight options.
Beretta LTT Review fMaintenance
Disassembling a Beretta 92 is a little bit different than most other firearms.

There is a button on the right-hand side of the frame, just above the front of the trigger guard.
This button you press in, and then on the left-hand side of your gun, you need to rotate down a lever that you’ll see.
Once you rotate down that lever, the slide will snap forward about an inch, and it will quickly come off the gun.
From there, you can break the gun down and take out the locking block, and recoils for assembling.
This gun is not a Browning tilt lock style system.
Beretta LTT
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So it’s going to have a little bit different dissembling method than those guns. But, that said, it’s still easy to take apart and clean.
The Beretta 92 is pretty easy to maintain, and I haven’t seen any issues when maintaining mine.
Aesthetics Beretta LTT Review
Aesthetically, the gun could look fantastic.
The biggest downside of this gun is those serrations. The serrations make the gun look cheap. On the other hand, the grips look fantastic. The stainless steel barrel and the silver trigger shoe provide a nice contrast.
This gun could look fantastic if it just weren’t for the serrations on it. Also, another thing I don’t care about is the finish on the slide.
It has some sort of baked-on enamel finish, which isn’t the most attractive.
It doesn’t look well compared to the matte finish on the frame.

Beretta’s have always had this kind of look, especially if you’ve seen the Beretta I Knocks finished frames.
That said, I really would’ve liked to have seen them go with something on the slide that matches the frame a little better.
Aesthetically, if they would change the slide serrations and the baked-on enamel on the slide, I think this guy would be a real winner.
Shooting the Beretta 92 is a joy. However, this gun is exceptionally soft shooting.
The recoil system on this and the relative heavyweight of the gun make it extremely easy to shoot.
If it weren’t for the large grip size, this would make an excellent gun to get new shooters into centerfire calibers. However, this gun tracks exceptionally well. And there is not a lot of muzzle flip if any muzzle flip at all.
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The smooth double-action trigger pull is really what makes this gun.
There’s just something about a gun with an excellent double-action trigger pull, and I can only imagine how good it would be if it had been worked over with a Langdon trigger.
Or if it had a trigger and a bag kit installed.
That may be something that I add to this gun at a later date.
Shooting it is where I wish the fiber optic on the front sight had a little bit of a narrow front sight post.
This would make the gun just a little bit more precise to me, but I can live with it.
It’s one of the better sighting systems on any Beretta out there. But, sights are a personal preference, and everybody’s going to have their own opinion. That’s just mine.
Final Thoughts Beretta LTT Review
If you’re looking for a great Beretta that is awesome out of the box, then you’re going to be hard-pressed to find something better than the Langdon Tactical.
There are Wilson combat guns, which I haven’t managed to get my hands on yet, but the Langdon Tactical will probably be a better option.
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Earnest Langdon knows the Beretta inside and out, and this was a gun that he specked out. I think there’s a lot to be said for that. I hope you’ve enjoyed this Beretta LTT review.
Please comment down below with your thoughts on the Beretta LTT and check out our Tomcat review.
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I’d like to see some PX4 Holsters for my LTT PX4.
Will you be making a competition holster for the Beretta 92 LTT Elite with RDO??
Not in the near future.
Should we expect a singleton for a 92/LTT in the near future?
Not a singleton but another model.