Quick, Concealable, Secure, and Comfortable Walther PDP Holsters
What should your Concealed Carry Holster Do?
As Jeff Cooper says, “Remember the first rule of gunfighting… have a gun.” With the right Walther PDP holster, you can have your Walther PDP when you need it.
The Walther PDP is an incredible pistol and you need a great Walther PDP Holster to get the most out of it. Due to the versatility of the Walther PDP, you might be using the gun for many different roles. You want to make sure you have the right gear or in this case holster for the role you’re using the gun. You’ll obviously want a different holster for concealed carry, then you may use it for competition or duty use, but depending on the rules of the game you are playing a concealed carry holster might work just fine. We’re going to cover all the options and what to look for in a holster, whether it’s one of our products or competitors, so you can determine what will be the best holster for your needs.
Walther PDP IWB Holster
Choosing a Walther PDP IWB holster is much like choosing any other piece of gear, you want to make sure you have that right IWB holster for the mission at hand. You always want an IWB holster to be comfortable since you’re going to be carrying. It also has to secure the firearm reliably and be quick to employ. There’s multiple things that a holster has to do, but some are just obvious, like retaining the weapon properly and concealing it well.
There are certain features you want to look for to make sure the holster will be comfortable and conceal well for you. Any IWB holster needs to be very well-rounded, especially below the trigger guard and underneath the muzzle. This is not a feature you see on most IWB holsters, and it’s unfortunate, as it can be greatly reduce the comfort of that holster.
You’ll carry the Walther PDP most likely at two different positions, either IWB strong side, which for a right-handed shooter means from the three to five o’clock position or at the appendix position, depending on where you decide to carry your Walther PDP IWB holster will determine the features you are looking for.

PDP Holster Features
There are many features that you need no matter where you are carrying a gun. When carrying at the strong side, you’re going to want to make sure the muzzle of the gun is well rounded. The reason is the muzzle will be sitting next to your butt, and depending on how shapely that area of your body is, it can poke into it quite a bit. So if you have a well-rounded muzzle, it’s like having a tennis ball next to that area, instead of having the rough end of a two by four.
Makes a huge difference for comfort when carrying all day long. At the appendix position, the most important area to have rounded off is the area below the trigger guard. This is because that portion of the holster will sit next to your inner thigh. When you’re carrying a gun all day, it’s important that it feels nice and natural there, and you don’t have any sharp bits poking your inner thigh, causing hotspots or pain throughout the day.
Now we’re going to take an in-depth look at each carry position and talk about the problems of each carry position and what features can address those issues.
IWB Strongside
When carrying strong side, the most important issue is going to be concealment. It can be quite difficult to conceal a gun the size of the Walther PDP at IWB strong side, the PDP isn’t a thin gun. So you’re going to want to make sure it’s sitting as close to the body as possible. To do this, you’ll need a feature called adjustable cant. Canting the firearm means to tip the firearm so it more naturally fits next to your body. When carrying IWB strong side, you’re probably going to be carrying between the three to five o’clock positions.

Each of us are shaped a little differently, so the optimal cant for one person will not be the optimal cant for another. Cant doesn’t only affect concealment, but it also affects your draw strength. Sometimes the optimal cant for draw strength is also the optimal cant for concealment, but that is not always the case. Having adjustable cant means you can decide which compromise is the best for you. Maybe concealment’s more important or maybe having a clean draw stroke is more important. Usually you can achieve a good middle ground that will get you both.
AIWB Walther PDP Holster
Appendix carry is quite different from carrying at the strong side. There are a completely different set of challenges facing the user. Your Walther PDP appendix holster will generally be more concealable at the appendix position and carrying a holster or pistol at the strong side, but there are also a lot more factors that come into play.
When you’re carrying appendix, the holster generally sits in a pocket that is between your groin and your inner thigh.

The goal is for the holster to completely fill that pocket, so there are no voids. Voids create undue pressure and certain points, creating what we call a hotspot. A hotspot is an area that will create discomfort. Discomfort is the last thing you want when you’re carrying a holster 14 to 18 hours a day. This is why we round our Walther PDP appendix holsters to prevent hotspots. We also suggest adding accessories, such as a wedge and a claw or wing. More on that later. Just like cant is important for strongside, ride height is important for appendix carry.
Ride Height
Ride height affects three different areas: comfort, concealment, and draw speed. We’ll start by explaining draw speed. Generally, the higher the gun sits, the easier it is to access the gun. So the higher the gun sits, typically the faster it will be for you to draw the gun. When it comes to concealment, the inverse is true.
Typically the closer the grip sits to the waistline, the more concealable the firearm will be. When it comes to comfort, it will depend on your body type. Everybody is shaped a little bit differently. This decides how your pants and belt sit on the hips. When you change from khakis to jeans, if they sit differently on your hips. That will affect how the holster rides. Having the ability to adjust the placement of the holster with ride height makes a huge difference in comfort. Having adjustable ride height means that you can adjust the holster to your optimal mix of concealment, speed, and comfort.
A claw or a wing is a device that sits off to the side of the holster. It uses the leverage from the belt to push the grip of the gun close to the body. If I could only carry one accessory on an appendix holster, this would be it. The Walther PDP isn’t a small gun, and the grip is the most likely part to print. This accessory will keep your grip from printing. Assuming you have sufficient size clothing and a body type that can carry the Walther PDP. If you’re 5’2″ and wear extra small shirts, this gun may not work for you. But if you are 5’5″ and above, and you wear an appropriately sized shirt, you won’t have any issues.

A wedge is an often misunderstood accessory. The wedge sits between the holster and the body itself. You want to make sure there are no voids in the pocket when carrying at the appendix position. A wedge helps fill these voids as well as push the muzzle of the Walther PDP appendix holster out. By pushing the muzzle out, it also tips the top half of the gun in close to the body.
Most of the weight on the Walther PDP is sitting above the beltline. Due to this, gravity causes the gun to want to tip away from the body. This makes the holster less comfortable as well as less concealable. A wedge helps counteract this, making the holster both more comfortable and concealable. This is an accessory I suggest adding on any appendix carry holster.
Walther PDP OWB Holster
Choosing the right OWB holster is just like an IWB holster. You need to know where and how you plan to carry the gun. There are two main ways you’re going to carry the Walther PDP and OWB. Either for some sort of range or duty type use or a concealment application. We do not make duty holsters. So I’m not going to cover that here, but I will cover the other options.
If you’re looking for an OWB concealment holster for the Walther PDP, you’ll want to make sure you have a pancake style holster. Pancake style holsters tend to sit closer to the body. With a larger gun like the Walther PDP, this is very important when you’re carrying a concealed at the OWB position. Another feature to look for is adjustable cant between zero and thirty degrees.
I know this sounds like a lot, but you want to be able to optimize, both your draw stroke and the way the gun sits against your body. The gun will sit much closer if you’re able to adjust the cant, so the grip rides naturally and doesn’t stick out. Unless you’re wearing a massive shirt, this is going to be an issue with the Walther PDP size gun. Having the ability to adjust cant alleviates that problem.
Range Use
If you’re looking for a Walther PDP holster for range use, the most important feature to look for is a good mounting system. You want a mount that’s secure and works for your use. You might want something like a paddle that’s easy to take on and off or something like an X-lock that works great on a duty belt, range belt, or a battle belt type setup. One of my favorite options is the Safariland QLS system. The QLS allows you to quickly switch holsters on the fly, so if you’re running multiple guns or running holsters with, and without lights, you can keep the same belt setup on and quickly switch out a holster. It uses a removable fork, so the holster changes in seconds.