Quick, Concealable, Secure, and Comfortable Glock 43 Holsters.
The Video below shows the features of the holster
What should your Concealed Carry Holster Do?
As Jeff Cooper says, “Remember the first rule of gunfighting… have a gun.” With the right Glock 43 holster, you can have your Glock 43 when you need it.
One of the most popular concealed carry handguns, the Glock 43, will likely be used for concealed carry or some sort of self-defense. So you’ll want to make sure you have a Glock 43 holster that is optimized for those roles. There are multiple carry positions with which you can use a Glock 43, and we’ll cover those below. This should give you a good overview to know what to look for in a Glock 43 holster.
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Glock 43 Concealed Carry Holster
Finding the right Glock 43 concealed carry holster for your carry position, starts by finding what will be the right carry position.
There are a lot of different options.
The most popular and common places to carry a Glock 43 are going to be inside the waistband at either strong side or appendix.
Small of the back is also common but losing popularity. We do not suggest carrying small of the back due to safety concerns having the gun placed that close to your spine.
Carrying the gun daily in that position causes long-term back issues.
If you were to trip and fall on your back, or you were to get in a fight and have the holster and gun jammed into your spine. It could cause even more severe damage.
You carry a gun to protect life, not to harm it. So you want to start with making sure your own life is protected and long-term health.
Ankle Carry
An option many might consider is ankle carry.
Ankle carry was very popular in a lot of 1980s movies and still has some validity today, but things to consider with Ankle Carry are again, long-term health.
When you carry a gun that weighs over 16 ounces on your ankle, you drastically increase the chances of having long-term joint problems.
Unfortunately, a loaded Glock 43 weighs more than 16 ounces.
So if you’re looking to ankle carry, I would suggest taking a look at the Glock 42 or something even smaller and lighter, like a Smith & Wesson 340 J-Frame revolver.
Pocket Carry
Another option is pocket carry. The Glock 43 is small enough for some people to pocket carry.
For most people, it’s going to be a little bit on the large side. With my frame, I can not pocket-carry a Glock 43 easily, but it can be done.
Pocket carrry is probably an option better suited to the Glock 42. Or take a look at something like a Smith & Wesson J-Frame or the Ruger LCP series. Let’s go over each carry position and let you know what to look for in a Glock 43 concealed carry holster built for those specific carry positions.
Glock 43 IWB Holster

As we mentioned earlier, the two most common and best choices for IWB carry are going to be appendix carry and strong side carry.
Appendix carry generally means forward to the hips.
Strong Side
While strong side carry is at three to five o’clock for a right-handed user or 9-7 if you’re a lefty.
Both of these positions have their pros and cons and there are different features you’re going to want to look for in a holster designed for these carry positions. Having the right Glock 43 IWB holster will mean you can comfortably carry the gun all day long.
G43 Strongside
There are a couple of things to take into consideration when you’re carrying strong side.
The first and most important is going to be your body type.
Thinner body types with wide shoulders will be able to conceal the best. If you’re a very larger individual with significant soft girth around your midsection it can work. Then you’re counting on the soft fat to fill in around your gun helping the concealment.
Regular body types that don’t have wide shoulders will have more difficulty concealing strongside than appendix.
Holster Length
If you have a very flat rear side, then a Glock 43-length holster will work just fine.
But if you have a more shapely rear, then you may want to consider carrying your Glock 43 in a Glock 48 holster. The reason for this is a gun as short as the Glock 43 can poke and prod your rear end.
When carrying with a Glock 48 holster, that holster will push the muzzle past your rear end. And it will sit nicely on top versus poking into it.
The downside of a Glock 48 holster is obviously it’s going to stick further out in that area.
So if you have a shorter shirttail, it could potentially print through your pants, making it more obvious that you’re carrying a gun. As always, there is no perfect world. So you’ll have to decide which scenario works better for you, whether you’re using a 48 or a Glock 43 holster.
Make sure the muzzle of the holster is very well-rounded.
When it’s sitting next to your rear end, that will be much more comfortable.
Think of it like having a tennis ball sitting next to your body, as opposed to the rough-cut end of a two-by-four. The tennis ball is going to be much more comfortable than the squared-off two-by-four.
Holster Cant
To get the most concealment when carrying at this position, you’ll want to make sure your holster has adjustable cant.
I suggest a holster with cant somewhere between 0 to 30 degrees for the size firearm.
You could get away with as little as 20 degrees, but there are no real downsides to having up to 30 degrees.
It will give you more options if your body type is just a little outside the norm. There are two reasons you would want a Glock 43 holster with adjustable cant. The first reason is going to be concealment.
To get the gun to conceal while you want the grip of the gun to align and sit next to your kidney without printing.
Adjustable cant allows you to configure what angle works best to achieve that.
Draw Stroke
The other reason for adjustable cant is draw stroke. As the holster moves further behind the hip more cant will make drawing the gun easier.
You want your hand to naturally meet the grip of the gun when you go to draw it. So you’ll be able to choose your optimal draw stroke as well.
Sometimes these two cants line up to be the same one and other times they do not.
You can adjust the position of the holster on your belt to try to get them to meet.
As with anything, you may have to make a compromise and decide whether draw stroke or concealment is more important to you. With the Glock 43 being such a small gun this really isn’t an issue for most people.
Glock 43 Appendix Holster
Appendix carry tends to be very concealable for almost everyone if they have the right Glock 43 holster.
Carrying a Glock 43 appendix holster isn’t without its own set of challenges.
The Glock 43 is a very short firearm. It may seem counterintuitive, but that actually makes it difficult to carry concealed at the appendix.
At least difficult to carry concealed comfortably. This all comes down to weight and gravity.
When you’re carrying appendix, you generally carry in a natural pocket that sits between your groin and the inner thigh.
The goal is to fill this entire pocket up with the holster.
That might seem counterintuitive, but when you fill the entire pocket up, you really do a good job of spreading out pressure.
This pressure is created because most of the Glock 43, when caring in a Glock 43 appendix holster is going to sit above the belt line. You’re going to have the weight of the magazine as well as half the slide sitting above the belt line.

Your body is going to push the gun away from your body.
Gravity is going to want to pull the gun towards the ground. This is going to cause the muzzle of the gun to want to tip into your groin. With a shorter holster that puts a lot of pressure in one specific spot, creating what we call a hotspot.
Hotspots mean discomforts, we want to avoid those.
A longer holster like a Glock 48 holster will spread out that pressure, preventing a hotspot.
There’s also another device called a wedge, which we’ll talk about later. The wedge will help as well.
Ride Height
Another important feature of a Glock 43 appendix holster is going to be ride height adjustment. Ride height is important for three main reasons.
Concealment, draw speed, and comfort.
As we touched on earlier, comfort is going to be determined by how the holster sits in the pocket between the groin and your inner thigh. With adjustable ride height, you can adjust the holster so it fits perfectly in that pocket.
The problem for most body types with the Glock 43 holster is the holster and gun are just going to be too short.
It will not do a good job of filling up that void.
If you carry a gun at a very low ride height, it tends to be very concealable, but it won’t be as quick to draw.
The higher you get the grip away from the belt with a higher ride height, the quicker it is to draw the gun. With a small gun, like the Glock 43 people tend to like the grip sitting a little bit higher as it’s easier to draw.
This compounds the issue of having a short Glock 43 holster, as opposed to putting a Glock 43 and a Glock 48. Body type does play a role in this, but generally, if you’re over five foot, five inches tall, a Glock 43 holster will not work as well as a Glock 48 for most body types.
Just the slightest amount of ride height adjustment, even an eighth of an inch can make a big difference in conference, so you’ll want to consider this when buying a Glock 43 appendix holster. Make sure the holster has a good amount of ride height adjustment.
A claw or a wing is a device that sits off to the side of an appendix carry holster and uses leverage from the belt to force the grip of the gun closer to the body. This makes the gun much more concealable. For some people, this is not an issue with the Glock 43, but it’s always good to have a greater margin of error when it comes to concealment. So I would suggest running a claw or a wing on your Glock 43 or Glock 48 holster.
A wedge is a device that sits between the holster and the body. It helps to kick the muzzle of the gun out, away from the body. So if you are carrying a Glock 43 holster with a Glock 43, a wedge is a must to increase comfort and concealment. The wedge helps fill a lot of those voids and prevent hotspots. In my opinion, it is a must for any short appendix carry holster like a Glock 43 holster.
Glock 43 OWB Kydex Holster
It’s very unlikely you’ll be running your Glock 43 in a race rig of any sort. It’s almost certain that your Glock 43 OWB Kydex holster will be designed for concealment. Since you’re looking for a concealment holster, you’re going to want to make sure there are features such as sitting close to the body and adjustable cant. As we talked about with carrying a gun at strong side, adjustable cant is very important for both draw stroke and concealment when having the gun, along with your kidney, keeping the gun close to the body and more concealable. You don’t want that grip to print. The Glock 43 does make a pretty good gun for carrying at the OWB, just due to its slim profile.
It’s hard for most people to conceal a gun when carrying OWB, so the Glock 43 is a great gun for that purpose. You’ll also want to make sure the holster is Glock 43 length, most likely. The reason for this is if you’re carrying with a untucked shirt, you want the shirt tail to cover your holster. That would be more difficult. You’ll have less margin for error if you’re carrying a Glock 48 length holster. For adjustable cant, we’ll watch a half between zero and 30 degrees of can adjustment. I know this sounds like a lot, but it’s really not. It’s always good to have the option, even if you don’t use it.