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HK VP9 Holster

Quick, Concealable, Secure, and Comfortable HK VP9 Holsters.

Sig P320 Holster Review

What should your Concealed Carry Holster Do?

As Jeff Cooper says, “Remember the first rule of gunfighting… have a gun.” With the right HK VP9 holster, you can have your VP9 when you need it.

HK VP9 Holster Sitting

Comfortable to Sit

The Infiltrator doesn’t poke into your body with shape edges like most HK VP9 holsters.

The holster is rounded, so it’s comfortable when you’re wearing it all day long.

Infiltrator Holster Clip

Secure Clip(No Belt Needed)

Most holsters have bulky plastic clips or slick metal clips that can easily come off your belt in a fight.

Our holsters use DDC clips designed with cloth grabbers so secure they work with and without a belt.

VP9 Holster

Conceals Well Behind The Hip

It’s often hard to conceal a gun when you’re carrying behind the hip.

The built-in wing keeps your HK VP9 close to your body and well concealed.

HK VP9 Holsters

Comfortable Rounded Edges

No sharp hard edges like other VP9 Holsters.

The rounded edges make our Holsters comfortable to carry all day long.

HK VP9 Holster

Great for Appendix Carry

Most HK VP9 holsters either don’t conceal well or are uncomfortable to carry.

The Infiltrator’s rounded profile makes it comfortable, and the built-in wing keeps the gun concealed.

H&K VP9 Holster

Built In Concealment Wing

The built-in wing does a great job of keeping the gun close to your body and well concealed.

It’s also very smooth which makes the VP9 holster easy to get on and off.

The HK VP9 is a fantastic firearm, and despite being large, it will work well for both duty and concealed carry. You just have to make sure you have the right holster for your chosen application. We’re going to go over the multiple options and show you what to look for in a HK VP9 holster.

HK VP9 Holster IWB 08

HK VP9 IWB Holster

When people talk about carrying an HK VP9 holster in the IWB position, they’re likely going to mean two different positions. Either the appendix carry position or strong side. Strong side generally refers to at the hip or behind the hips, while the appendix carry position is forward of the hips.

There are advantages to both positions and also disadvantages.

One major advantage of appendix carry is the weight distribution. It tends to be easier on your back. Much easier than carrying a gun forward of the hips then on or behind them. Another position that we don’t suggest is small of the back carry.

The reason we do not suggest small of the back carry is due to potential spine injuries. If you were to fall and slip the gun could hit your spine.

That can cause some serious back injuries.

Singleton HK VP9 IWB

Just sitting down and placing pressure on your back is not likely to have positive long-term health effects.

You’re carrying a gun for to protect yourself. So I suggest avoiding carrying it in a way that can actually cause a detriment. There are specific features you want to look for in an HK VP9 holster for every carry position. We’re going to cover those below.

VP9 Appendix Holster

When you’re carrying at the appendix position, one of the most important things you want to look for is a well-rounded holster underneath the trigger guard.

You want to make sure that area is well-rounded.

This is because it will be sitting in a pocket right next to your inner thigh. If that area is not well-rounded and it’s sitting next to your inner thigh, it’s going to cause you pain as you wear the holster throughout the day.

If that holster causes you pain, you aren’t as likely to have your gun when you need it. When you are carrying at the appendix position, you’re essentially carrying in a pocket between your groin and the inner thigh.

HK VP9 Holster AIWB 01

The goal is to completely fill this pocket. While that may sound counterintuitive, filling the pocket spreads out the pressure of the holster making it more comfortable. When you’re carrying a gun at appendix, the weight of the gun naturally wants to tip away from the body.

This is due to the belt torquing on the bottom half of the gun, while the majority of the gun’s weight sitting above the beltline, as well as your stomach wanting to push the gun out away from the body. Having a holster that fills the entire void is very helpful as that pressure is evenly distributed and it’s much more comfortable. There’s also a device called a wedge that can help with that, but we’ll talk more on that later.

Ride Height

This brings us to ride height. Ride height is a very important aspect for appendix carry holster. Due to this, you’re going to one an HK VP9 holster with adjustable ride height. Ride height affects three different areas: concealment, draw speed, and comfort. The perfect ride height for one of these areas may not be the perfect ride height for other areas.

As far as it relates to comfort. Again, you want that holster sitting perfectly in that pocket. When you look at how we’re all built, we’re all built differently with different proportions between the pocket, our hips and our belt line. By changing from khakis to a pair of blue jeans, the position of my belt changes on the hips. So my optimal ride height for comfort with a pair of jeans is going to be different than when I’m wearing a pair of khakis. This may be confusing at first, but when you get a holster in hand, this all starts to make sense.

Having a holster with adjustable ride height allows you to tailor where the gun is going to sit on your belt line and if it will reach that pocket and fully engage with your body. That’s why I always suggest having an HK VP9 holster with adjustable ride height when you’re carrying appendix.

Draw Speed And Concealment

Draw speed and concealment are a lot more simpler. Generally, your concealment gets better the lower the grip of the guns sits. So the closer to the grip of the gun gets to the belt, the more concealable the gun is normally. There are always exceptions to any rule. When it comes to draw speed, things are also fairly simple. The higher the gun sits, normally the easier it is for you to get a good grip on the firearm and get it out quickly. The belt line can potentially cause interference with your fingers. So the further the grip is away from your belt line, the quicker it is to access. Having adjustable ride height allows you to determine what mix of these three factors you would like to achieve and set your holster to that optimal ride height for your individual body type and specific needs.

Now let’s talk about appendix carry accessories. There are two main appendix carry accessories, an item known as a claw or a wing and another item known as a wedge. Both of these are very important if you want to conceal the gun well and carry it comfortably. So we’re going to cover those each individually below.


A claw or a wing is a device that sits off to the side of the holster and uses torque from the belt to leverage the grip of the gun in closer to the body. This makes the gun much more concealable. It is a must on a HK VP9 IWB holster, just due to the sheer size of the HK VP9. The HK VP9 is not a small gun, so you need every advantage you can get when carrying it concealed. Another advantage of a claw or a wing is that by changing the angle of the grip as it sits next to your body, it also optimizes that angle for your draw stroke when you go to draw the gun. Your hand meets the grip of the gun much more naturally when you go to draw.

Singleton HK VP9 AIWB


A wedge is a great accessory. It sits between your HK VP9 holster and your body. It helps fill the void or the pocket we were talking about earlier.

Not only does it do that, but it kicks the muzzle of the gun out away from the body, pushing the top of the gun closer into your stomach and your body, making the gun more concealable as well as more comfortable. This is a great accessory to add to any appendix carry holster.

Singleton HK VP9 Small Wedge


Carrying an HK VP9 IWB holster at the strong side position means there are a couple of different features to look for. The first feature I would look for is a well-rounded muzzle. The reason you want a well-rounded muzzle is the gun is likely going to be sitting up against the middle of your backside. If you have a very flat rear, this won’t be an issue, but if you have even a little bit of a rear end, then you’re going to want to make sure the muzzle is rounded so it’s just comfortable.

This sounds simple, but a lot of holster manufacturers do not have this feature end. Think as if you were carrying either a softball or a tennis ball nestled up against your body or the rough cut end of a two by four. If a holster is not well-rounded, it’s going to feel like the two by four and not the well-rounded tennis ball.


The second feature a strong side IWB holster needs is adjustable cant. The reason it needs adjustable cant is the HK VP9 is a very large firearm with a sizeable grip. You want that grip to fit perfectly beside your kidney. To do that, you need to adjust the cant of the holster for optimal concealment, so it lays perfectly beside your kidney and does not stick out your shirt. Adjustable cant also plays a factor with your draw stroke. Everybody’s arms are shaped a little bit differently, and depending on the height of your hips and where the holster is riding on your waistline, the amount your arm will have to reach will be different.

That will change the angle of your hand and how it meets the grip of the gun. With adjustable cant, you can determine what this angle is and find the perfect angle for your draw stroke. This angle may or may not be different than the angle for optimal concealment, but adjustable cant gives you the option of finding an in-between or just deciding what angle is optimal for your body type and desires. You want to make sure the cant is between 0 and 30 degrees.

HK VP9 OWB Holster

Finding the right HK VP9 OWB holster is just as important as finding the right HK VP9 IWB holster. You need to know your mission before choosing that holster. Your mission may be concealment or it may be a tactical use, like running a gun on a war belt or in a game like USPSA. Each of these holsters is going to require a different set of features to get the job done.


Concealing an HK VP9 in a OWB holster is not easy. The gun is fairly sizable and despite its relatively thin profile for a double stack gun, it’s still a chunky beast. You must have a gun that fits close to the body. Generally a pancake style holster will fit this need. But considering the long grip, you’re also going to want adjustable cant for the same reasons you want adjustable cant when wearing strong side. It will help you optimize your draw stroke as well as the angle of the gun for optimal concealment.

It’s not easy to find these two features combined in a HK VP9 holster. If I can only have one, it would be a pancake-style HK VP9 OWB Holster. We are working on coming up with a pancake-style holster, which also incorporates at least 30 degrees of adjustment for cant. If you would like to be notified when we drop this product, please sign up for our email notification list for HK VP9 Products.


At this time, we do not have any tactical holsters in production, but it is something we are considering. Again, please sign up for the email notification list for HK VP9 products, if you’d like to be notified when we come up with a tactical style HK VP9 OWB Holster.

VP9 Holster with Light

At this time, we do not have an HK VP9 holster with light, but these are products we are working on and would like to expand. We are very excited about the prospect of offering an HK VP9 holster with light.

VP9 TLR8 Holster

Some of the lights we are considering offering is the HK VP9 with a TLR-8 and the HK VP9 with the TLR-1. We’re hoping our HK VP9 TLR-8 holster will also have compatibility with the streamlined TLR-7 and SureFire XC1 and similar lights.

VP9 TLR1 Holster